1st Swiss Alpine Goldwing Challenge 2023

18 – 22 June 2023


What is the 1st Swiss Alpine Goldwing Challenge 2023?


Prices Challenge:

Inscription fee
Driver € 50.00 (Non-GWEF-Member € 60.00)
Passenger € 50.00 (Non-GWEF-Member € 60.00)

Prices Camping spots:

2 Camping spots for 4 nights incl. electricity and taxis
Driver € 50.00
Passenger € 40.00
Hotel accommodation and meals individual

Transfer the total participation fees in Euros to the account of "SWISS ALPINE GOLDWING CHALLENGE 2023" (IBAN:CH35 0025 4254 1535 2042H, BIC:UBSWCHZH80A) with the reference 1st SAGC-2023 followed by your name, address and date of birth.
Upon receipt of your full payment and processing of your registration, you will receive a confirmation email from the organization to the email address provided. (Make sure you enter the correct E-Mail address, as all communication will be done in this way only!)
2 weeks before the tour starts, you will receive the routes in GPS-format.
Included in the registration fee: Raclette. For those who finish the Challenge in full, a T-Shirt, a badge and a certificate will be given at the finisher party on the last evening.

I am registered, but...

If by any reason, you cannot attend the callenge, then follow these rules: first of all, inform the organization in time.
27/03/202330/04/2023Partial (Camping, T-Shirt, Badge)
01/05/2022-No refund
These dates are not chosen by chance, as we also have obligations towards to our supplier of the T-Shirts as well as the camping spots owners, we cannot make any exceptions regarding these dates.

A few simple rules

As the organizer we have established a few simple rules. We ask all participants to follow them, which you also confirm with your registration.


Data Privacy Regulation

"My right to my picture and my data in the context of the DSGVO from 25.05.2018" (Basic Data Protection Regulation). With my name and the payment of the registration fee, I confirm the participation in events of the Goldwing Club Switzerland, as well as my consent that as a result my personal data may be stored and processed for club purposes. Pictures of an event, on which I am clearly recognizable, may be stored and published in the media used by the GWCCH. I can at any time revoke this consent with the board or under "Contact" at www.goldwing-club.ch.

As the organizers we would like to thank you in advance for following the rules and hope for a successful 1. Swiss Alpine Goldwing Challenge 2023.
Our E-Mail-Adress: swisstour@goldwing-club.ch


Click here for the inscription form.